Introduction & Setup
Welcome to QorCommerce Channels! Here you will find documentation to help you start building with Channels as quickly as possible. If you get stuck along the way, we are always here to help!
QorCommerce Channels is a comprehensive payment facilitator as a service (PFaaS) model that offers a REST based API that allows you to quickly board and manage your merchants and resources. Along with our Merchant Resources API endpoints, you can connect your application to seamlessly accept credit/debit cards, ACH/check payments and alternative payment methods (APMs) in your application.
Request a Channels Account
If you would like to start developing and testing an application on the QorCommerce Channels Platform you will need to contact business development and they will be able to help you register a channels account to receive a Channels you.
Once you have a Channels Key you will be able to register application keys associated with your channels account.
How to request an account
You can request a channels account by contacting business development. Support is available M-F between 8AM and 8PM Eastern Time Zone.
If after hours, you can still make a request by contacting business development with your name, email and a brief message with your request. A business development agent will contact you within 1-2 business days.
Updated almost 4 years ago