Add / Enroll a new Merchant to your portfolio
The following parameters are available to properly add / enroll a new merchant to your portfolio.
parameter | description | required |
new | indicates whether or not the merchant is new to credit card processing Possible request values are 0 = not new and 1 = new Note: To have annualCCSales higher than 0 this field must be set to 0 | Yes |
descriptor | the name under which the merchant is doing business (this will be used as the transaction descriptor on customer statements) | Yes |
annualCCSales | the value of annual credit card sales for this merchant Note: This field is represent as an integer in cents, so 10000.00 would be set as 1000000 | Yes |
avgTicket | the value of average credit card sales for this merchant Note: This field is represent as an integer in cents, so 100.00 would be set as 10000 | Yes |
highTicket | the value of highest credit card sale for this merchant Note: This field is represent as an integer in cents, so 100.00 would be set as `10000 | Yes |
environment | the environment the merchant runs under: only accepts: supermarket , moto , cardPresent , fuel , serviceStation , restaurant , ecommerce | Yes |
mcc | the Merchant Category Code of this merchant MCC's will be approved by QorPay or your merchant service provider (MSP) | Yes |
status | the status of the merchant: 0 = Not Ready 1 = Ready 2 = Boarded 3 = Manual 4 = Closed 5 = Returned | Yes |
merchant | an {object} of merchant data (see merchant object parameters below) | Yes |
owners | an [array] of owner {objects} (see owners object parameters below) | Yes |
The merchant object provides the following parameters
parameter | description | required |
type | this merchant's type: 0 = Sole Proprietor 1 = Corporation 2 = Limited Liability Company 3 = Partnership 5 = Non-Profit Organization 6 = Government Ogranization | Yes |
startDate | The date the merchant started business. The field is in the form 'YYYY-MM-DD' | Yes |
name | the name of this merchant | Yes |
address1 | the first line of the address associated with this merchant | Yes |
address2 | the second line of the address associated with this merchant | No |
city | the city associated with this merchant | Yes |
state | the two letter abbreaviation of the state associated with this merchant | Yes |
zip | the zip code associated with this merchant | Yes |
country | the country associated with this merchant. Currently only accepts USA | Yes |
timezone | this merchant's timezone. Possible values: est , cst , pst , mst , akst , hst , sst , chst and ast | Yes |
phone | the phone number associated with this merchant | Yes |
the email associated with this merchant | Yes | |
ein | the IRS Employer Number associated with this merchant | Yes |
website | the website url associated with this merchant | Yes |
locations | the number of locations for this merchant | Yes |
public | indicates whether or not this merchant is publicly held Either 0 = private or 1 = public | Yes |
bank_accounts | an [array] of bank account {objects} (see bank_accounts object parameters below) | Yes |
Each object in the bank_accounts array inside of the merchant object provides the following parameters
parameter | description | required |
account | an {object} of account information (see account object parameters below) | Yes |
currency | the currency type this merchant is using. Only accepts USD | Yes |
primary | indicates whether or not this account is the primary account of this merchant. Either 0 = no or 1 = yes | Yes |
The account object inside of the bank_accounts array provides the following parameters
parameter | description | required |
method | this account's bank account type: 8 = Checking 9 = Savings 10 = Corporate Checking 11 = Corporate Savings | Yes |
number | the bank number of this account | Yes |
routing | the routing number of this account | Yes |
Each object in the owners array provides the following parameters
parameter | description | required |
title | the title of this owner | Yes |
first | the first name of this owner | Yes |
last | the last name of this owner | Yes |
dob | the date of birth of this owner. The field is in the form 'YYYYMMDD' | Yes |
the email associated with this owner | Yes | |
ownership | the percent ownership that this owner has. The field is represented as basis points, so 80% would be 8000 | Yes |
timezone | this owner's timezone. Possible values: est , cst , pst , mst , akst , hst , sst , chst and ast | Yes |
address1 | the first line of the address associated with this owner | Yes |
address2 | the second line address associated with this owner | No |
city | the city associated with this owner | Yes |
state | the two letter abbreviation of the state associated with this owner | Yes |
zip | the zip code associated with this owner | Yes |
country | the country associated with this owner. Currently only accepts USA | Yes |
phone | the phone number associated with this owner | Yes |
ssn | the Social Security Code of this owner | Yes |
primary | indicates whether or not this is the primary owner Either 0 = no or 1 = yes | Yes |
JSON Example
The following JSON example provides test values to board a new merchant to your portfolio. You can copy and replace these values in the above Body Params section
"descriptor": "Smith Processing",
"annualCCSales": 1000000,
"avgTicket": 10000,
"highTicket": 1000000,
"environment": "retail",
"mcc": "8111",
"status": "0",
"merchant": {
"type": 0,
"startDate": "2018-05-05",
"name": "Smith Company LLC",
"address1": "123 North 12 St",
"address2": "Suite 403",
"city": "Miami",
"state": "FL",
"zip": 33024,
"country": "USA",
"timezone": "est",
"phone": 1234567891,
"email": "",
"ein": 123456789,
"website": "",
"locations": 1,
"public": 1,
"bank_accounts": [
"account": {
"method": 8,
"number": "023456789012345",
"routing": "063013924"
"currency": "USD",
"primary": 1
"owners": [
"title": "CEO",
"first": "James",
"last": "Smith",
"dob": 19590122,
"email": "",
"ownership": 8000,
"timezone": "est",
"address1": "123 Example St.",
"address2": "Suite 403",
"city": "Miami",
"state": "FL",
"zip": 33024,
"country": "USA",
"phone": 1234567891,
"ssn": 123456789,
"primary": 1
Channels Test Credentials
Set the following header key/value for testing this endpoint
Type | Name | Value |
Header | Qor-Client-Key | C8373337268594090076 |