New Merchant - (Sign Up / Enrollment)

Add / Enroll a new Merchant to your portfolio


The following parameters are available to properly add / enroll a new merchant to your portfolio.

newindicates whether or not the merchant is new to credit card processing
Possible request values are 0 = not new and 1 = new
Note: To have annualCCSales higher than 0 this field must be set to 0
descriptorthe name under which the merchant is doing business (this will be used as the transaction descriptor on customer statements)Yes
annualCCSalesthe value of annual credit card sales for this merchant
Note: This field is represent as an integer in cents, so 10000.00 would be set as 1000000
avgTicketthe value of average credit card sales for this merchant
Note: This field is represent as an integer in cents, so 100.00 would be set as 10000
highTicketthe value of highest credit card sale for this merchant
Note: This field is represent as an integer in cents, so 100.00 would be set as `10000
environmentthe environment the merchant runs under:
only accepts: supermarket, moto, cardPresent, fuel, serviceStation, restaurant, ecommerce
mccthe Merchant Category Code of this merchant
MCC's will be approved by QorPay or your merchant service provider (MSP)
statusthe status of the merchant:
0 = Not Ready
1 = Ready
2 = Boarded
3 = Manual
4 = Closed
5 = Returned
merchantan {object} of merchant data (see merchant object parameters below)Yes
ownersan [array] of owner {objects} (see owners object parameters below)Yes

The merchant object provides the following parameters

typethis merchant's type:
0 = Sole Proprietor
1 = Corporation
2 = Limited Liability Company
3 = Partnership
5 = Non-Profit Organization
6 = Government Ogranization
startDateThe date the merchant started business. The field is in the form 'YYYY-MM-DD'Yes
namethe name of this merchantYes
address1the first line of the address associated with this merchantYes
address2the second line of the address associated with this merchantNo
citythe city associated with this merchantYes
statethe two letter abbreaviation of the state associated with this merchantYes
zipthe zip code associated with this merchantYes
countrythe country associated with this merchant.
Currently only accepts USA
timezonethis merchant's timezone.
Possible values: est, cst, pst, mst, akst, hst, sst, chst and ast
phonethe phone number associated with this merchantYes
emailthe email associated with this merchantYes
einthe IRS Employer Number associated with this merchantYes
websitethe website url associated with this merchantYes
locationsthe number of locations for this merchantYes
publicindicates whether or not this merchant is publicly held
Either 0 = private or 1 = public
bank_accountsan [array] of bank account {objects} (see bank_accounts object parameters below)Yes

Each object in the bank_accounts array inside of the merchant object provides the following parameters

accountan {object} of account information (see account object parameters below)Yes
currencythe currency type this merchant is using.
Only accepts USD
primaryindicates whether or not this account is the primary account of this merchant.
Either 0 = no or 1 = yes

The account object inside of the bank_accounts array provides the following parameters

methodthis account's bank account type:
8 = Checking
9 = Savings
10 = Corporate Checking
11 = Corporate Savings
numberthe bank number of this accountYes
routingthe routing number of this accountYes

Each object in the owners array provides the following parameters

titlethe title of this ownerYes
firstthe first name of this ownerYes
lastthe last name of this ownerYes
dobthe date of birth of this owner. The field is in the form 'YYYYMMDD'Yes
emailthe email associated with this ownerYes
ownershipthe percent ownership that this owner has. The field is represented as basis points, so 80% would be 8000Yes
timezonethis owner's timezone.
Possible values: est, cst, pst, mst, akst, hst, sst, chst and ast
address1the first line of the address associated with this ownerYes
address2the second line address associated with this ownerNo
citythe city associated with this ownerYes
statethe two letter abbreviation of the state associated with this ownerYes
zipthe zip code associated with this ownerYes
countrythe country associated with this owner.
Currently only accepts USA
phonethe phone number associated with this ownerYes
ssnthe Social Security Code of this ownerYes
primaryindicates whether or not this is the primary owner
Either 0 = no or 1 = yes
JSON Example

The following JSON example provides test values to board a new merchant to your portfolio. You can copy and replace these values in the above Body Params section

    "descriptor": "Smith Processing",
    "annualCCSales": 1000000,
    "avgTicket": 10000,
    "highTicket": 1000000,
    "environment": "retail",
    "mcc": "8111",
    "status": "0",
    "merchant": {
        "type": 0,
        "startDate": "2018-05-05",
        "name": "Smith Company LLC",
        "address1": "123 North 12 St",
        "address2": "Suite 403",
        "city": "Miami",
        "state": "FL",
        "zip": 33024,
        "country": "USA",
        "timezone": "est",
        "phone": 1234567891,
        "email": "",
        "ein": 123456789,
        "website": "",
        "locations": 1,
        "public": 1,
        "bank_accounts": [
              "account": {
                 "method": 8,
                 "number": "023456789012345",
                 "routing": "063013924"
              "currency": "USD",
              "primary": 1
    "owners": [
        "title": "CEO",
        "first": "James",
        "last": "Smith",
        "dob": 19590122,
        "email": "",
        "ownership": 8000,
        "timezone": "est",
        "address1": "123 Example St.",
        "address2": "Suite 403",
        "city": "Miami",
        "state": "FL",
        "zip": 33024,
        "country": "USA",
        "phone": 1234567891,
        "ssn": 123456789,
        "primary": 1
Channels Test Credentials

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